Currently there is a skilled ocupation list australia, which corresponds to current jobs or employment eligible for various types of visas. These visas are available to people who are qualified for work, employment or training in an eligible skilled occupation in Australia and who meet all the requirements of the Department of Immigration. It is important to emphasize that this type of visa cannot be applied for by just anyone,...Continue Reading
One way to establish a strong relationship with your partner is by trying to make plans together to study and work abroad. When visiting Australia, many people get the love of their life or their better half and the only way to continue living and enjoying this beautiful adventure is by opting for a partner visa. This is the case of foreigners who need to migrate to Australia and...Continue Reading
Statistically, one parent in four Australians is foreign-born. Since the first Europeans arrived on the shores of Botany Bay in 1788, many people have made Australia their home. It was not until 1945 that the population of Australia was composed of only 5 million people, of course, an immense territory with more than 7 million square kilometers, was almost uninhabited. But World War II turned the situation around and led...Continue Reading
Next we will explain the advantages that engineers obtain in Australia, how to practice in that country this profession and the salary that a professional engineer receives. In order to do so, it is necessary to have your engineering degree recognized and to be fluent in English, which is essential to develop this profession in Australia. This profession is highly valued in Australia, so if you speak English perfectly and...Continue Reading
The Work and Holiday visa in Australia is an international agreement where the Government allows citizens to travel, work and study for a determined period of time. It is a flexible visa, which makes it possible to work anywhere in Australia legally. Visa Work and Holiday en Australia – Visado Migration Services Our immigration agency Visado Migration Services is in charge of advising you and helping you with everything related...Continue Reading