To get a permanent residence in Australia and achieve your Australian dream. We recommend first, to have a lot of perseverance, patience and of course, positivism so that you can gradually fulfil all the goals you set in this great country.
Indeed, it is not an easy path, but it is not impossible either. So if you’re thinking about starting this great adventure to transform your life as you’ve always dreamed of, now is the time to do it!
There are many types of visa to travel to Australia and enjoy its wonderful culture, landscapes and people. Below, we will give you some tips, so you can have an orientation more according to what you want to do in this great country.
Recommendations for Australian Residency
You may have heard many stories about travelling to Australia, the lifestyle, the types of work you can find and even how to study to grow professionally. However, remember that the most important thing is not basing your opinion only on what people tell you, because, to travel with peace of mind and be able to meet the objectives of your travel, we recommend the following points so that you can get as soon as possible your permanent residence in Australia and fulfil your dreams without having to constantly renew your visa.
1. Knowing which visa is best suited to your needs
To travel to Australia it is necessary to know in advance what type of visa benefits you most if your goal is to achieve a permanent residence in Australia. There are 4 categories of Australian visas: workers, visitors, students and permanent residence.
Therefore, it is advisable to be very clear about the purpose of your travel and not stay longer than allowed by the visa, as the Australian immigration authorities take into account the length of stay of each foreign citizen, as well as the constant extension of the visa, which can affect the profile to apply to a permanent residence.
2.Demonstrate your studies and work experience:
Knowing if your studies or work experience apply to professional profile assessment is as necessary as your English level. It is one of the requirements of the Immigration and Citizenship Department in Australia.
To find out about Australia’s most demanded occupations, it is important to know the list published by the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection each year (Skilled Occupations List – SOL) or you can read on and request fully personalised advice from our agents!
3.Receiving Immigration counselling
It is necessary and very important to receive advice from a lawyer or immigration agent to guide you on a professional level, as they can detail your profile in-depth and the migration issues of professional profiles, which are always related to laws from the Australian Government.
4.Improving your level of English
To achieve permanent residency in Australia, it is essential to have an advanced English level, it is not necessary to be bilingual, but you should be able to conduct a fluid conversation and develop professionally in the country.
So, if you want to emigrate on a permanent visa you must take the official examinations required by the Australian Government to ensure that you have the required level of English (IELTS face-to-face exam, TOEFL online or face-to-face exam, OET exam aimed at professionals in the field of health and the online face-to-face exam PTE Academic).
Once you are in the process of these 4 recommendations to know how to get permanent residence in Australia, it is also important to know what are the most demanded professions in this wonderful country, as it will allow you to have greater opportunities at a professional level, and of course, get an easier way to permanent residence in Australia. These are some of them:
- Marketing.
- Education.
- Accounting.
- Gastronomy.
- Medicine (Health Branch).
- Engineering & Architecture.
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Find out more details about these and other high-demand professions and know how to apply for a permanent residence in Australia. Request your fully personalised advice here!