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What to bring in your luggage or avoid, when you are travelling to Australia

When you start a new adventure in Australia, it is essential to know what to carry and what not to carry in your suitcase. Here we will tell you what to take into account when preparing your luggage.

Here we share the most relevant information on what to carry in your suitcase so you can pass the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) without any inconvenience.

The Incoming Passenger Card:

You will not need to print your Australian visa, the Immigration agents will already have all your details, and they only need your passport to verify them.

When you arrive in Australia, at the first checkpoint, you will need to present your “Incoming Passenger Card” passport and the address of where you will stay. Once you pass this filter, you can pick up your bags and pass the baggage check. In this area, you can’t use your cell phone or cameras.

Please note that customs agents can search your suitcase and ask questions for no reason, they choose the people according to the type of visa, passport and declaration on the Incoming Passenger Card.

A very useful tool to know what you can carry in your luggage is an application from the Australian Government (Click here). You’ll be able to search for any object and tell you if it’s allowed or what kind of restrictions it has.

Likewise, here we tell you the basics to keep in mind:

PROHIBITED and Restricted Products that can NOT pass customs

  • Food and drink: vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, juice, sausages.
  • Any object with dirt (be sure to clean your shoes very well)
  • Drugs: marijuana, heroin, cocaine and amphetamines.
  • Tobacco: cigarettes, loose-leaf tobacco, packs.
  • Counterfeit and pirated products such as DVDs, music, bags, clothing, accessories.
carry in your suitcase

Alcohol Tariffs

If you are of age, you can import up to 2.250ml (total volume) of alcoholic beverages. If you get over it, you can keep what’s allowed and leave the rest or pay taxes on alcohol import for everything you’ve bought.
When you exceed the limit, you must declare it, so you must keep the purchase invoice to evaluate the value of the product.

Tobacco tariffs

Since July 01, 2019, you can no longer enter tobacco into Australia. This law prohibits the importation of any type of tobacco product unless you have a permit issued by the Department of Internal Affairs.

General Product Duties

If you exceed $900 AUD on items purchased without tax, you must declare them. Remember to bring the purchase invoice to evaluate the value of the products.


If you have medicines such as aspirin, paracetamol or over-the-counter medicines in Australia, you will not need to declare them when you arrive in the country.
For prescription medicines, you must bring a supply of no more than three months for personal use and present a certificate or prescription from your doctor. During the check, they can ask you for the recipe.

The drugs to be declared are: human growth hormones, steroids or androgens such as testosterone or DHEA, opiate analgesics, marijuana and narcotic-based drugs.

In this case, you must apply to the Department of Health if you wish to bring them to Australia.

What to declare:

  • Weapons. 
  • Money.
  • Diamonds in rough.
  • Protected wildlife.
  • Cultural heritage.

You just read: “What to bring and what not to carry in your suitcase when travelling to Australia.” To receive our advice on your migration process, you can contact us through our communication channels. Rest assured that at Visado we will be happy to help you fulfill your dream of living in Australia.

Take the free eligibility test to find out what your score is and qualify an Australian visa according to your profile. In addition, you can schedule an appointment with us and get an informative guide on the visa you wish to apply to.

Making your Australian Visa a reality

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